Sqarex Technologies

Targeted Contact Data


Targeted Contact Data

Sqarex’s Targeted Contact Data will provide access to millions of global customers so that you can easily connect with them. Our team of data experts gathers data from trusted sources like, government records, business cards, business directories, events, conferences, seminars, journals, magazines, etc. This data then gets verified and updated to keep it fresh and active for your upcoming marketing events.

Get verified and updated Targeted Email List to boost sales

We have the option for customers to select from our pre-packaged targeted email lists or if they want it customized by us we can do that as well. Our teams will collaborate with you to understand your data needs and then based on that will build the email lists.

We make sure all data is permission passed so that you will not face challenges using our email lists when sending promotional messages to your targeted customers. Moreover, you can send personalized messages to your customers and get quick responses that will boost sales ROI.

Reach your audience across the globe and expand business with the Targeted Email List Database

Our targeted marketing email lists help marketers to enhance their email marketing, telemarketing, and direct marketing campaigns. You can even reach out to customers through your preferred channel of marketing to keep them engaged with your campaigns and convert them into future customers.

Using our geo-targeted mailing lists, you can reach out to your prospects across the USA, UK, Canada, Europe, and many more countries without any problems. You can use data to explore new business possibilities and even expand your business in these countries.

With our verified contact information of clients, you can reach out to responsive sales leads and close business deals faster. It is the right tool for all your marketing activities. With our accurate data, we help you can plan marketing strategies for your next marketing campaign and increase your campaign revenue.

Get customized targeted email lists for marketing campaigns

We will customize the email lists for you based on your data requirements. Buy email lists for marketing to roll out campaigns and to generate quality leads that convert and increase your business ROI.

You can also use our different appending services to update your old customers' list and keep it active for your marketing campaigns. Our teams will guide you to identify and buy an email list to suit your marketing requirements.

By using our targeted email lists you can stay ahead of your competitors and also establish a strong network with various business prospects and customers. At Sqarex, we make sure to give the best quality data to help enhance your email marketing campaigns that will bring a big difference in your campaign response and increase your ROI.

Email Addresses Database

Acquire Company Email Addresses Database

We can provide different industry-specific segments along with existing counts:

Opt-In Email Lists

We only add data after taking consent from our clients. Hence we assure you your marketing information will reach the right customers in boxes at the right time.

Email Data List

We provide updated data that supports your multi-channel marketing campaigns, helps you to directly communicate with your audience, acquire new customers and retain old customers, and much more.

Rent an Email List

If you are not ready to maintain your own database, you can rent an email list where you can contact your target only once with the help of the email list provider

Frequently Asked Questions

You can Buy Targeted Email Lists from Sqarex. Our teams collect data from multiple sources and then verify and update it regularly thus, we guarantee the highest deliverability rate for your marketing campaigns.

At Sqarex, we give you updated contact details like name, email address, phone number, fax number, country, SIC code, ZIP code, mailing address, and much more.

When compared to other database providers in the global market we at Sqarex offer Targeted Email Lists at the most affordable price. However, it may even depend on the quantity of data you require.