Sqarex Technologies



Importance of Sqarex’s Data Verification Process

Businesses today want to grow their revenue fast and take their business to a new level of success. That is why you need data verification to strategically plan your business growth. However, we cannot just invest in any vendor as it might do more harm. By building your own data you might lose time and resources. Hence this job needs to be outsourced to a reliable vendor like Sqarex.

Collaborating with us will foster business growth and enhance overall revenue. With verified data, you will be able to reach out to your existing and potential business prospects without any challenges.

Data Cleansing Process

  • Submission
  • De-dupe
  • Syntax correction
  • Role account
  • Black list check
  • Complaint check
  • Bounced email check
  • Spam check
  • Junk removal
  • Confirmation
  • Delivery

Data Verification Process

Stage 1

Our team of data researchers gathers data from trusted global sources such as business directories, government records, newsletter subscriptions, surveys, etc.

Stage 2

Our in-house team of 800 data experts validates the data through web research and the social validation process

Stage 3

We ensure Email domains are checked to remove incorrect data through SMPT, Xverify, FreshAddress, BriteVerify, etc.

Stage 4

Once verification is done opt-in emails are sent to all contacts and hard bounces & opt-outs are removed immediately

Stage 5

Our data experts also ensure name and geo-validation are done to all collected data

Get Data Verified to Maintain Effective B2B Communication

It is important to maintain business communication with your customers to grow your business. To achieve this, you need to have the best quality customer data. You might be sending compelling marketing messages to your targeted customers with various offers and deals using your old database.

But if your messages are not reaching your audience it's time you need to get your data verified by experts. With verified data, you can connect with decision-makers of top companies with your business proposals and even expect a good response from your campaign initiatives.

Maintain Effective B2B Communication

Fuel Your Tech Marketing Efforts

Today, the technology industry is highly competitive, and to survive and foster growth you need accurate and verified email lists. That is why we are here to assist you in your marketing initiatives by offering you verified and validated databases to help you increase sales conversions.

Types of Data Profiling

Structure Discovery

Structure discovery focuses on the formatting of the data and helps understand how well data is structured and makes sure everything is uniform and formatted correctly, by performing mathematical checks to ensure the validity of the data.

Content Discovery

This process allows you to look into individual data records to discover errors and ambiguous, incomplete, and null values. Content discovery identifies which pieces of data contain problems, and which systemic issues like phone numbers with no area code, etc. occur in the data.

Relationship Discovery

It helps discover how data is interrelated by key connections between database tables or tables in a spreadsheet, similarities, differences, and associations among data sources. Related data sources should be united in a way to preserves an important relationship.
